Animation, based on the popular kids’ podcast series “All Things Madison”.
Release date: In development, 2023.
Link to watch:
Created by Deronte’ Smith Set in a small, cozy house, Madison Lauren begins each episode in her bedroom as she introduces the topic for the day. Exploring different rooms within the house, she has visiting guests from different countries eFooterxposing her audience to new cultures, fashions, foods, and ideas thus truly embracing our range of diversity and the unique differences we all have. Her big personality shines through as we are both entertained, enlightened, and educated at the same time. Girl power themed, Madison Lauren empowers girls of all ages to be their best selves!
Animation, based on the popular kids’ podcast series “All Things Madison”.
Release date: In development, 2023.
Link to watch:
Created by Deronte’ Smith Set in a small, cozy house, Madison Lauren begins each episode in her bedroom as she introduces the topic for the day. Exploring different rooms within the house, she has visiting guests from different countries eFooterxposing her audience to new cultures, fashions, foods, and ideas thus truly embracing our range of diversity and the unique differences we all have. Her big personality shines through as we are both entertained, enlightened, and educated at the same time. Girl power themed, Madison Lauren empowers girls of all ages to be their best selves!